Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday Morning Weather Update

Good Morning! Off to a sunny start to the day, we'll keep it into this Saturday Afternoon. A few spotty showers may show up on the radar this evening though, nothing to ruin your outdoor plans some areas may not feel a drop. Temps will rebound today back to atleast the upper 60s but for many we could even top the low 70s. Yesterdays high of 61° was recorded at 12:01AM. The low of 51° was recorded at 11:59 PM. Most of yesterday afternoons temps remained steady in the mid to upper 50s. This was the coolest June 1st since 1997, in terms of highs. Our record low of 39° was set on our last Coolest June 1st (within past 15 years) which occured in 2003.

Our low this morning reached 48° around 6AM. The coolest since early mid May on the 11th when morning temps dipped to 47°. We'll begin a little bit of a warming trend. Temps next week will reach mid to upper 70s. Also, we'll keep a teenie weenie chance for a pop up shower the next few days but for now I'll think we will stay dry. In fact much of the next week to week and half will remain fairly dry as we get into a blocking pattern. We may warm to low 80s next weekend and then heat will begin to build back in around June 10th heading into the middle of the month. More 80° warmth we'll begin to be locked in with seasonal temps to above normal temps. More Details in the coming days but for now have a good weekend. Next Blog to be Posted by Tomorrow Evening for the work work forecast. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

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