Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heat Wave Peaks, Seasonal Temps Coming

Good Evening! Today marks the 53rd day this year and 29th consecutive day with a high temp 80° and above. This also makes the 4th day 100° and above for 2012. So far this year we've had 13 days with high temperatures in the 90s, with our first 90° day occuring back on Saturday, May 26th. The summer sizzle continues on. We hit 102° yesterday which was 1° shy from tying the holiday record high of 103° set back 101 yrs ago in 1911. More 100s expected this week. In fact, we hit 103° today. We easily broke the old record high of 99° set back in 1936. I'm looking at temps 102° & above for Friday and Saturday daytime high temperatures. Both WILL BE record setters. I'm 100% positive of that. Fridays Record High Temperature is 99° set in 1988 and Saturdays Record High Temperature is 101° set in 1936. Half of Julys Record Highs (15 days) were set back in the 1930s in the Dust Bowl era. The highest all time record high temperature is 106° tied 3 times on 3 different days in 3 different years, in the same month of the year. The first occurence was set July 23, 1901. The second occurence was set July 21, 1934. The last occurence was July 14,1936.
The Upper Level High pressure System will continue to be in control for Friday and Saturday which would limit any chance for a single raindrop for the state & possibly offer up our hottest days of the year. Excessive Heat Warnings remain in effect through 8PM Saturday. Could we tie that 106° temperature I mentioned earlier? Don't fear though we have a pattern change in the works for the first half of next week starting Monday. Rain chances make a return for Sunday and Monday with cooler temps to follow. It will not be a huge cool off but temps will fall back to mid to upper 80s which is pretty seasonal. Considering 16 out of the past 21 days have been 90° and above, this is actually a relief. Low temps will drop back into the 60s.

Lets hope for more rain chances and 80° temps this month. For now, I'm looking for 90s at the tail end of next week into next weekend. Most of next week looks dry for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & most of Friday. However, I'll throw in a chance for rain next Friday Evening into Saturday but these are low chances at the moment.

Drought Analysis
Your weekly drought analysis has been completed and CPC has released the latest update this morning. Very little improvements here for the majority of the state. Heres MY breakdown of the condtions and how it compares to last weeks drought analysis. Also, i've included the latest drought monitor map.
100% 99.86% +0.14%
89.02% 87.03% +2.01%
68.84% 68.58% +0.26%
23.46% 23.46% UNCHANGED

Rainfall Deficit Around the State
Location Year to Date Precipitation (through July 5) Departure from Average Precip since June 1 Difference from Average
Indianapolis 15.15 -  7.28 0.09 -4.94
Lafayette 11.56** -  7.23 0.81 -3.96
Muncie 13.92 -  7.00 1.68 -3.67
Terre Haute 12.56** -10.90 0.26 -4.76
Bloomington 12.05** -13.50 0.30 -5.36
Shelbyville 13.10 -  9.69 0.05 -4.96
Indy - Eagle Creek 13.35 -  8.53 0.21 -4.86
**Precipitation not available on some days since January 1.

Persistent Dryness+Hot Temps+Low Relative Humidity+Moderate Winds=Wildfires

The latest burn ban map now has 85 out of 92 counties under a burn ban. The remaining 7 counties has either not implemented a burn ban or has lifted the burn ban previously issued. They are Benton, Lake, Newton, Porter, Pulaski, Starke, and Warren Counties. These counties are located in Northwest Indiana.

10 Day Detailed Outlook

Tonight-Mostly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. Low 79.

Friday-Sunny & Hot. High 105. Heat Index Near 110.
Friday PM-Clear & Mild. Low 80.

Saturday-Sunny & Hot. High 105. Heat Index Near 110.
Saturday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 75.

Sunday-Partly Sunny. Not as Hot. Chance of T'Storms. High 92.
Sunday PM-Mostly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. Low 70.

Monday-Partly Sunny. Cooler & Seasonal. Chance of T'Storm. High 85.
Monday PM-Partly Cloudy. Cooler. Comfortable. Low 65.

Tuesday-Mostly Sunny. Seasonal. High 86.
Tuesday PM-Mostly Clear. Low 67.

Wednesday-Sunny & Seasonal. High 87.
Wednesday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 68.

Thursday-Sunny & Seasonal. High 87.
Thursday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 69.

Friday-Mixed Sun & Clouds. Chance of T'Storms. High 91.
Friday PM-Partly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. Low 71.

Saturday-Mixed Sun & Clouds. Chance of T'Storms. High 92.
Saturday PM-Partly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. Low 72.

Sunday-Mixed Sun & Clouds. Chance of T'Storms. High 94.
Sunday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 73.

Temperature Data
Actual Avg High----99.2°. This is 14.2° above the normal avg high of 85 for June.
Actual Avg Low-----73.2°. This is 7.2° above the normal avg low of 66 for June.
Actual Avg Temp---86.2°. This is 11.2° above the normal monthly temp of 75 for June.

Precipitation Data
Precip Since JULY 1----NONE. This is -0.78" from normal.
Precip Since JUN 1----0.09". This is -4.94" from normal 5.03" for June 1-July 5.
Precip Since JAN 1----15.15". This is -7.28" from normal 22.43" for JAN 1-JULY 5.

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