Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Morning Weather Update

Cooling Aloft! The storms have pushed out the state, there could be a pop up shower today but it will be very slective meaning some could get wet but others will stay dry. Its Day #10 of August & we've picked up nearly 4" of rain. Despite yesterdays release of CPC weekly analysis, the drought conditions have shown some improvement but not enough. Until we completely get out of a deficit we'll still need a few more weeks of rain and I've identified 5 out of the next 10 days for atleast a chance of rain including today. Its whether we get it or not is the big question.
I didn't buy the outlooks last month when CPC called for below normal precipitation. I picked up on a active weather pattern coming before months end & we got that. We are now over 3 quarters of inch above normal. However, as expected, average temps are still above normal but that could change. We could struggle to hit 90s next week and today we may not top 80s. This will be the coolest day since June 6th when we hit 77°.
Looking back to last year, we had a cool down around this time. From August 10th-16th we had an avg high temp of 83° with a 78° high on the 14th. We only recorded 90° highs 3 more times to finish that month but if you can remember we topped 100° later on September 3rd after following 95° August 31st & 99° for both Sept 1st & 2nd. We do have a break now but I would NOT entirely write the summer heat off just yet. We may very well follow somewhat of a similiar pattern only time will tell.
Back to today we're under a NW breeze that could get windy at times that will keep our temps down. Sunshine, if any, will be limited particularly during the morning hours. This doesn't leave a lot of room for heating today. We may only top out in the low, if not, mid 70s. This is the beginning of a short below normal stretch of temperatures that spans for the new few days. I'll try to have my weekend weather blog up tonight. Have A Good Friday!

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