Monday, February 22, 2010

Bottle Water VS Glass of Water

Everyday we are finding ways to help reduce the pollution here on Earth. Bottled water is one concern because of the all the plastic used to make it and a case come in 6, 12, or 24. People buy it because the manufacturer wants the consumer to know its a lot safer than tap water from your kitchen faucet. Did you know 1.5 million barrels of oil is used to make these bottles? Bet you didn't know that, thats equivalent to running 10,000 cars for a yr.
Here's the problem, only 10% of theses bottles are recycled, yes 10. That leaves the other 90 making it into your city's landfill. A plastic bottle could take almost a thousand years to decompose. You could save a lot of money by getting a reusable water bottle. Tap Water Still A Problem for you? Geez haven't you heard of a Filter. Filling your bottle with filtered tap water is practical free. Wow! You could save money and finally afford to go on a vacation or get a Wii or whatever the case maybe. C'mon lets ditch the water bottles and drink a Glass of water or drink from a reusable bottled water. Did I mention its practically free? And you can decorate your bottle in pretty colors or for the fellows there's manly ones. Pick your poison?

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