Monday, February 22, 2010

A Living Miracle

Many people have diseases some curable, some incurable. I'd like to talk to you today about little 3 year old Gabriel Howell from Bedford, IN. He has a Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor on his face. He has been battling this disease since he was 3 months old.
Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor is a development disorder infants get at birth. It can start as a black legion and effects the jaws.
Gabe has underwent chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. His mom says,"He battles it like a champ, he's a true fighter..we hope we can keep him around a little bit longer." And his dad says,"During this whole time, we haven't been able to connect with someone who has dealt with this at first hand, successfully."
Gabe's dad is a member of the Oolitic Volunteer Fire Department. One day he got to ride in a firetruck to Bedford Airport where he took a special helicopter ride. He is such a special boy and a wonderful living miracle.
Become A Fan of the Angels of Gabriel Michael Howell on Facebook. The family set the page up devoted to him. Get live updates of his health and continue to follow his journey. Visit the Official Angels of Gabriel Michael Howell webpage to read the full medical story of Gabe and if you'd like info on how to donation you can either find out on their webpage or click here


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