Saturday, February 20, 2010

Swagger Crew eliminated

I thought I'd start with something recent and I'm crazy about everything ABDC related.

Thursday was considered the Official beginning for season 5. Nine crews took the stage and here's how it broke down. First the show started with 3 crews from the west competing; Hype 5-0, Heavy Impact, and Poreotics. The judges advanced Heavy Impact and Poreotics and sent Hype 5-0 into the bottom 3.
Then the South Crews competed; Jungle Boogie, Royal Flush, and Swagger Crew. The judges advanced Jungle Boogie and Royal Flush and sent Swagger Crew into the bottom 3 with Hype 5-0.
Then the East Crews competed; Blueprint Cru, Saltare, and Static Noyze. The judges advanced Blueprint Cru and Saltare and sent Static Noyze into the bottom 3 with Hype 5-0 and Swagger Crew.
The 3 bottom crews gave 90 second showdown to a master mix of Tik Tok by Kesha, each crew got 30 sec to give it all they got. And the judges advanced Hype 5-0 and Static Noyze which left Swagger Crew to take the first walk off the stage of the season.
Randy Jackson appeared the crews banners earlier in the show but as Swagger Crew danced their way out to Unk's Walk It Out their banner fell as an ABDC tradition every week of every season.
If you like to vote, voting is only open at the end of each show until 6:30 the next morning. At the end of each show Mario Lopez gives you the number of each crew. You can vote online at, call 1-877-96-CREW+Number, or text their number to 22444 (remember standard txt msg rates may apply).

Here's Swaggers Crew performing to a master mix of Hard by Rihanna on youtube thanks to TheRandyOrtonLegendX.

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