Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Quick Winter Recap

Good Afternoon! For a winter that has produced close to 75% of its days above normal we have had some winter punches. A reality check to ensure that this season is actually called winter and not spring. Those looking for a white christmas was out of luck. A storm system did show up but it was late after the xmas party was over. This system brought us our biggest snow day of this 2011-2012 season on Dec 27th of 2.3". This also made up its snowfall for the month. A month that averages 6.9" of snow.
We have had a few days in January of half inch snows. This pieced together with all other measurable snow days, made up its snowiest month for this season of 4.6". A month that avgs 8.6".
February has not been too impressive either (from a winter stand point) but Valentines Day stands out. A day that gave us our 2nd biggest snow day this season of 1.7". The February snow total going into the last week of meteorological winter is 2.2". A month that avgs 6.9". Thus, giving us a snowfall total of 9.1". Good for the 9th least snowiest winter.
You know how temps have played out, pretty mild. No sub zero or single digit temps have been recorded. Our lowest (low) temp recorded this season is 11° back on Jan 15th. Two days after our coldest day of the season, Jan 13th, with a low of 13° and a high of only 19°. That made its lowest high temp for the season. No other day this season has had a high in the teens.
Remember Super Bowl? Yes, the great weather that played a pretty significant role in the success of our first Super Bowls hosting. In fact Januarys mild end & Februarys mild start made it the warmest on record for this time period since record keeping began 142 yrs ago in 1870. Pretty impressive.
I cannot tell you whats in store for March. I cannot tell you how warm it will get, nor can I tell you how cold it will get. Will it Rain? Very likely. Will it snow? Its possible. Will it accumulate? Its possible. I cannot stand strong behind the answers to these questions though. No meteorologist can regardless how much experience you have. March is one of those top months thats hard to predict the months outcome. This winter has been hard enough. I can throw out there though that March is predicted to have Above Normal Temps and Precipitation in the State of Indiana, and thats a guess NOT a fact.
I will do my best to keep you up to date as new updates come in to give you an idea of whats to come. Bookmark my blog page if you like. Spring starts in another 3-4 wks. I got you covered until then.

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