Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer Heat Returning

Good Evening!
After 12 Consecutive days with an avg daily temp at or below normal, the cooler air will retreat and summer heat will invade. Todays High was 81° followed by a morning low of 58°. We'll be under clear skies for tonight. It will be cool & comfortable with lows in the upper 50s.
Tomorrow expect plenty of sunshine with temps in the mid 80s. Humidity shouldn't kick into high gear until after Wednesday so it shouldn't feel all that bad tomorrow but starting Thursday temps climb back to near 90°. We sit at 49 days with temps 90+ for the year. We need 9 more to tie the record of 58 set in 1983 and 10 more days to break it. We have 3 maybe 4 chances to inch closer to yet another historic event.
Given the recent cool down Summer 2012 is fastly losing status to be written off as the top five warmest summers. We are now down to an avg summer temp of 77.7° just 0.2° from being bumped off of this list.
There are as follows:
1) 1874-78.6°
2) 1936-78.5°
3) 1934-78.2°
4) 2010-78.1°
5) 2012-77.7°
6) 2011-77.6°

Weekend rain chances have dwindled. In fact, over the next 2-3 weeks the projected rainfall numbers are quite pathetic. We've luckily picked up 5" of rain this month but mother nature is back to old habits. Just after many counties have dropped their burn bans, we are headed back into a fairly dry weather pattern. We are still over 7" below normal and it will worsen once again. We average over 0.75" of rain a week now so we could make a run back towards 10" below normal.
There are small shower chances for Sunday, Monday, And Tuesday next week with Monday being the greatest chance. We can only hope for this to bring us a heavy soaker to the city. Only time will tell but its not looking good. Will keep you updated in the coming days.







Partly Sunny
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Partly Cloudy
86 89 92 92 90 84 86
64 69 72 71 70 67 62

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