Sunday, March 18, 2012

Work Week Forecast

Good Evening! I don't need to tell you the May-like warmth continues, but I just did. Today makes Day #7, consecutively,  with temps 70+°. This marks a new record. Also, on the subject, we did set another record this year. That #3 in the past 4 days, and Record Event #7 for the year. As of 5pm our unofficial Record High Temperature has reached 80° this afternoon, breaking an 109 yr old record of 76° (set in 1903).  We will continue to have the opportunity to break a record Monday & Tuesday. Then chances diminish tremendously as high temps gradually fall to 50s by next weekend, near normal high temps for Late March. During the last week, March 11-17, the avg high was 75°.
I would like to share 3 Record Temperatures with you. First, Chicago has reached 80+° for the past 5 Days. This alone is a record for March. Also each of these 5 Days, Chicago set Record Highs. Secondly, Boston reached a record high today as well. So far they've reached 75° as of 5pm, breaking last years record of 70°. They avg 46°, that's nearly 40° above normal. Finally, the "Ice Box" sets a record. I'm referring to the chilly state of International Falls, MN. They avg a high of 36°, the old record was 66° set back 94 yrs ago. As of 5pm they have reached a unofficial record high of 78°, nearly 45° above normal. REMARKEABLE!
Well back here in Indianapolis we are averaging nearly 10° above normal, received a little less than three quarters of an inch snowfall (first week), and received less around 2" of rainfall for the entire month. We normally average a temp of 42°, receive atleast 3.56" rainfall, and 2.6" snowfall for the month of March. So far, we have above normal temperatures but below normal precipitation/snowfall for March.
Well the threat for pop up storms will diminish Monday and Tuesday as a ridge of high pressure builds in. This will give way to Sunny Skies and push highs into the low 80s challenging record highs of 78° & 80° for Monday and Tuesday, respectively. Mid week rain chances return, this will keep us from reaching 80° but I still think we will warm nicely to mid 70s, perhaps upper 70s if we get enough sunshine for Wednesday. High Temps fall to low 70s and mid to upper 60s for Thursday and Friday. Right now i'm forecasting upper 50s for Saturday & Sunday. Either way, it will be cooler for the weekend than the work week but still a few degrees above average. This cooler weather looks to stick around for a few weeks with overnight lows creeping down into the 40s. This could be the setup for your Easter Day Forecast just to give you an indication to your holiday attire. This is subject to change. This should become more clear in the days to come.
According to the calendar, tomorrow is our last day of winter. Its been a mild one. Weeks ago, its been called the 4th Warmest Winter on Record for the U.S. We never did get a blockage in Greenland, this failed to usher in cold air in Central Indiana thats been mostly bottled up North in Alaska and Canada. Not many snow systems from the South either. I will have a complete winter wrap on Tuesday.

Here's 2 charts, first indicating the past weeks temperature observations. (Note: Record Highs Set Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday). The Second Chart indicates Average Highs & Lows, Record Highs, and Forecasted High & Low Temps for this week.

Here's my 10 "Worded" Forecast:

Sunday Night
Partly Cloudy. Mild. Low 59.

Abundant Sunshine. Mild. Near Record. High 82. Record High 78 (1921)

Monday Night
Partly Cloudy. Mild. Low 60.

Bright Sunny Skies. Mild. Near Record. High 81. Record High 80 (1894)

Tuesday Night:
Partly Cloudy. Mild. Low 60.

Parly Cloudy. Chance of Showers/T'Storms. Mild. High 77.

Wednesday Night:
Partly Cloudy. Chance of Showers/T'Storms. Mild. Low 52

Partly Cloudy. Mild. Chance of Showers/T'Storms. High 68.

Thursday Night:
Chance of Rain. Low 50

Mixed Sun & Clouds. Chance of Rain/T'Storm. Cooler. High 65.

Friday Night:
Mostly Clear. Cooler. Low 47.

Mixed Sun & Clouds. Cooler. High 59.

Saturday Night:
Clear. Cooler. Low 43.

Partly Sunny. High 58.

Sunday Night:
Clear. Cool. Low 40.

Mixed Sun & Clouds. Light Breeze. High 56.

Monday Night:
Mostly Cloudy. Low 47.

Mostly Cloudy in Morning, becoming Sunny in Afternoon. Mild. Warmer. High 64.

Tuesday Night:
Partly Cloudy. Low 51.

Mixed Sun & Clouds. Mild. Warmer. High 67.
Past 24 hrs--------O.60"
Since March 1st----1.09"
Sice January 1st---6.95"
Since Dec. 1st-----11.45"

Since March 1st----0.7"
Since Jan 1st---- 7.5"
Since Nov. 1st-- 9.8"
**Currently 11.2% of the Nation is covered in Snow. This weekend, snow fell in the Sierra Mountains and over a foot of snow west of Flagstaff, Arizona. This raised the snow cover over 2% since before the weekend.

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