Monday, April 16, 2012

Mid Month April Recap & Outlook

Good Evening! The day started pretty warm hitting our high (72°) in the morning hours rather the afternoon hours. Two things help contributed to this, rain & cooler air behind the cold front that passed this morning. As clouds hung around for much of the morning and early afternoon temperatures remained fairly steady in the mid to low 60s. We did manage to squeeze a few peaks of sunshine out today but clouds dominated much of thee day.
As high pressure takes the wheel tomorrow the winds will subside becoming very calm with clear and sunny skies. We had peak wind gusts of 21, 41, & 45 MPH for Saturday, Yesterday, and Today, respectively. Small showers chance for Wednesday but this looks to fall in the Northern half of the state.
Speaking of rain, we've had a few soakers this month. Some were good, others not impressive. We started the month with 0.63" on the first. A weak system passed on April 4th only dropping a whooping 0.07". Trace amounts were recorded on the 7th & 13th but shift the focus to the stormy weekend for much of the U.S. and we're talkin a drenching 1.20" for us Saturday. Sunday, we managed to stay dry but this morning the next batch came through and dropped 0.44" on us. This brings our total for the month to 2.34". We are still 1.47" below the avg total for April which is 3.81". We still have another 2 weeks to reach this goal but much of this week will remain rain free. Looking at our next rain system late Thursday into Friday, not too impressive. However, thunderstorms could be associated with this. See how this plays out. We stay dry and cool for next weekend. I think we could be looking at more rain possibly storm chances to start the next work week so more chances there to add to the months total. I think we got a shot at finishing about normal. Once again, April is typically the wettest months of the year and one of the top 5 most cloudiest months of the year.
We were running an avg of 5° warmer for the first week of the month then the avg temp for the entire month of March. The avg temp the first week was about 61° while the avg temp for March was 56°. Now half way into the month our avg temp is below lasts months avg. Still above normal, our avg high is now 54°, 4° above the normal avg high of 50° for the period of April 1-15th. So far this month we have had 3 days with high temperatures in the 50s, 8 days in 60s, 3 days in 70s, and only 1 day in the 80s. We recorded 84° on April 4th smashing a 66 yr old record high of 83° set back in 1946.
Temperatures look to remain fairly normal for the rest of the month but there will still be a few warm and cold days mixed in here and there. The avg high temperature April 16th-30th is 66°
Here's my breakdown for the rest of the month:
April 17-----Near Normal at 66°
April 18-19---6°-9° above normal
April 20-25---3°-12° below normal
April 26-28---0°-15° above normal
April 29-30---0°-4° above normal

Keep in mind this is subject to change as weather patterns could change at any given moment. This is currently what I see at the moment. I see mid to upper 50s for This Saturday-Next Tuesday and near 80° warmth for Thursday and Friday next week. Temps should be fairly normal in mid to upper 60s to finish the month and begin May. The avg temp for the first week of May is 69°.

The Avg Low for April 16th-30th is 45°. Here's my breakdown for Low Temperatures.

April 17th-20th---0°-8° above normal.
April 21-23---5°-10° below normal
April 24-30---2°-10° above normal

Again another chill spills in for  Saturday Morning temps could be in mid 30s til Next Tuesday. Some mornings we could be looking at Frost again. But low temps begin to warm up and we could have a few mornings back to the low to mid 50s above normal to finish the month.

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