Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nice Days Ahead

Good Afternoon! Beautiful Tuesday Here!

Little bit of cloud cover during the noon hour but we are getting some peaks of sunshine. Temps warming into the 60s after a morning low in the mid 40s. We are looking at a dry week ahead as our next rain chance will not arrive until Friday. Also, thanks to high pressure, winds are not as brisk as they were past few days. We had peak wind gusts of 41 MPH for Sunday and 45 MPH Yesterday.

Quickly here's a look back at our temps last week.

Here's a look our temps ahead this week (in the photo below). I've included our high and low temperature observed for Sunday and Monday. Also the low temperature of 44° for Tuesday was observed this morning. Likely, this will be our official low for the day. Looking at 70s for Wednesday and Thursday with plenty of sunshine. Also, the timing on Fridays rain will be key as to the high temperature for the day. Some show 70s but if rain arrives earlier before daytime heating than temps may only reach mid to upper 60s. I'm going with 67° as the high. A cool down is coming starting Friday Night where low temps could fall into the upper 30s. Looking at lows in the 30s to continue for Saturday and Sunday night as well. High Temps will be in the 50s for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Lows will be in the low 40s for Tuesday Morning. Next Tuesdays high will continue to be below normal in the low 60s. Then we begin to go back above normal for 5 day starting Wednesday, April 25th-Sunday, April 29th then temps go below normal to normal. Circle Thursday, April 26th, looks pretty warm, we could be in the 80s with sunshine. Will update if it changes.

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