Monday, July 30, 2012

Its Been a Warm Year, Month, & Season

Good Afternoon Indy Hoosiers! I have a lot to cover so lets dive in!
Going back to Mid March (March 14) I've composed the following information:
1. We've now had 9 days in the 100s with the first occurence on June 28th. This is the 3rd highest amount in one year. The record for the most triple digit heat in one year is 12 set in 1936 and the 2nd is 10 set in 1934.
2. We've now had 32 days in the 90s with the first occurence on May 26th. We've had 41 days with temps 90° and above as of July 29th. The record is 58 days set back in 1983.
3. We've now had 36 days in the 80s with the first occurence on March 14th.
This makes up nearly 56% (77 days) of the past 138 Days with a high temperature recorded 80° & above since March 14th.
Indianapolis has broken 14 Record High Temperatures & Tied 2. We've also broken 5 Warmest Low Temperatures this year and Tied 1. Here's my records chart.

Date of
New Record
Minimum Temp.
Record Highest
Minimum Temp.
JAN. 31st N/A N/A 50° 48°
FEB. 29th N/A N/A 45° 44°
MAR 14th 81° 79°
MAR 15th 80° 77°
MAR 17th 77° 76°
MAR. 18th 80° 76°
MAR. 19th 82° 78°
64° 60°
MAR. 20th 83° 80°
63° 62°
MAR. 21st 84° 82°
62° 58°
APR. 3rd 84° 83°
JUN 28th 104° 101°
JUN 29th 103° 100°
JUN 30th 97°
July 5th 103° 99°
July 6th 105° 99°
July 7th 105° 101°
July 16th 98°
July 17th 101°
July 23th 102°

Guys its just not warm here in Indiana, its warm everywhere as high pressure continues to be very persistent this summer. Looking at the records chart from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, the nation has set 26,257 record highs since January 1st. For this month of July alone, 4,189 records set. More records will continue to fall for the next few weeks as the summer heat continues to sizzle on.

Last Weeks Observations for July 22nd-28th

High Temp9610297103949586
Low Temp68747974776967
Peak Wind Gust (MPH)20313030364722

The average high for last week was 96.1° while the avg low was 72.5°. This puts the weeks avg temp at 84.3°.

July 2012
We are in the final days of the month and this will go down as the most warmest Julys on record. We've had our hottest days of the year this month and after a pretty dry start we managed to finally pick up some rainfall this month but not too much. This month we've broken 4 Record Highs and Tied 2. We've set a record for the longest stretch of dry weather in over 100 years. Since record keeping began in 1871, the NWS first recorded a 45 day stretch of dry days with only 0.09" during the period of August 16th-September 26, 1908. That streak was broke mid month and reset to 47 days with 0.09" (June 1-July 17). The streak ended when we picked up a two day total of 0.68" of rain for the 18th & 19th. Friday, July 20th put a end to the longest period of days with temps above 70. What would have been 23, ended up being 22 consecutive days with temps 70° & above, when the thermometer read 69° right before midnight. This still ended up beating out the old record of 20 days set back from June 26-July 15, 1921. This day was also the coolest day of July in terms of daytime high temperatures with 82° but that next morning on Saturday the 21st, it was the coolest morning this month in terms of low temperatures when the thermometer read 61° around 6AM.
The hottest days of the month occurred July 5th & 6th when the thermometer read 105°.
On July 28th, we broke a record for most days in July with temps 90° & above. We recorded 26 days beating the previous July 1901 record of 25 days. Likely this will be extended to 28 days since we are expecting temps to climb above 90 today and tomorrow.
On Tuesday, we're expecting to climb to 19 days with temps 95° or above in the month of July. The previous record was 16 back in July 1936. This is the 3rd year with the most days 95° & above on record. The first is 31 set in 1936 and the second is 23 set in 1988.
Our coolest daytime high for the month is 82° recorded July 20th, the second day of July below 90. The warmest low temp for not only this month but for the 21st century is 81° set at 4:56 the morning of Saturday, July 7th. The coolest morning lows recorded was 61° on the 21st and 62° on the 29th.
We had 3 days below 90° this month. The 1st was July 14th (89°), 2nd was July 20th (82°), and the 3rd was July 28th (86°).
The avg high temperature through July 29th sits at 95.7°. This is 10.7° above normal.
The avg low temperature through July 29th sits at 72.4°. This is 6.4° above normal.
The avg monthly temperatures through July 29th sits at 84.1°**. This is 8.6° above normal.
We've picked up 0.83" of precipitation this month. The normal is 4.30" through July 29th.
We are now running 3.47" below normal in precpitation for the month through July 29th.
**-This number is higher than 82.8° recorded in July 1936. This month will go down not only as the hottest July on Record but the hottest month on record as well. Again, record keeping in Indianapolis began in 1871.

Meteorological Summer(June-July-August)
We are now heading into our last month of the summer season and its been a pretty warm one. About 83% of the past 59 days have been above normal. The average high for this season sits at 91.1° thats 7.7° above nomal. The average low for this season sits at 67.5°, thats 3.5° above normal. The average temp for the season sits at 79.3°. This temperature is 5.6° above the normal 73.7°.. This season is currently the #1 Warmest summer on record. Here's the Top Five list:
1) 1874---78.6°
2) 1936---78.5°
3) 1934---78.2°
4) 2010---78.1°
5) 2011---77.6°

Here's the list of days where precipitation has fallen this season (since June 1st):
1) June 1st-----Trace Amounts
2) June 2nd----0.03"
3) June 3rd-----Trace Amounts
4) June 4th-----0.02"
5) June 11th---Trace Amounts
6) June 29th---0.04"
7) June 30th--Trace Amounts
8) July 1st------Trace Amounts
9) July 8th------Trace Amounts
10) July 14th---Trace Amounts
11) July 18th---0.40"
12) July 19th---0.28"
13) July 20th----Trace Amounts
14) July 24th----Trace Amounnts
15) July 27th----0.15"
As you can see we've picked up 0.92" since June 1st. We've only had 6 out of the past 59 days with measurable rainfall. Measurable Rainfall is anything 0.01" or higher.
Typically, May-June-July (solar summer) is the wettest months of the year. The average precipitation during this period is 13.85" (though July 31st) while the avg is 13.60" through July 29th. So far, we've only recorded 3.62" which is 9.98" below normal through July 29th. We've only recorded 13 days with measurable rainfall since May 1st. For quick reference here's a list of days where precipitation fell for May.
1) May 1st-----1.48"
2) May 4th----Trace
3) May 6th----Trace
4) May 7th----0.48"
5) May 8th----0.01"
6) May 9th----0.13"
7) May 21st---0.10"
8) May 29th---0.36"
9) May 31st---0.14"

Drought Analysis
As dry conditions continue to be very persistent these past few months with less than an inch of rainfall, we've headed into one of the worst droughts in Indianapolis Weather History (since 1871) running now 10" below normal. Just as worse as the Dust Bowl years of the 1930s. These abnormally dry conditions have prompted most of the state to issue burn bans and some areas have put out mandatory water bans to keep the water supply up. It will take months, maybe years to recover from a drought this extreme.
Check this out:
In 2010, during the Thanksgiving Holiday, portions of Southern Indiana received up to 6" of rainfall in about a 2-day period. The real kicker here is river flooding did not occur. This is after having a prolonged sretch of dry weather.
So what will it take to get out of a drought this extreme?
At this point the only way to recover from a drought with such severity right now is to receive regular weekly rainfall amounts over an inch for maybe 2-3 months straight. One 3" rainfall day here and there will NOT alleviate our problems. We need something continuous and consistent that will get deep down into the dried out soils. Remnants from a tropical storm would be GREAT! Right now, there's nothing to be foreseen worth mentioning. Just chances here and there. It will only continue to get worse for more weeks to come.
Check out this graphic from The Weather Channel. Read More On This HERE!

These drought conditions have sparked up numerous grass fires these past 2 months. Either from the weather or from stupidity. Burn bans are issued for a reason. Failure to comply can lead to fines or jail time but importantly, lead to serious injury or death. Do NOT throw cigarette buds out your car windows or flick them out on the ground. Also, in the near future, autumn will be rolling around and many will want to have campfires. I hate to tell you this but burn bans prohibits bonfires and campfires. DO NOT have them. Please be smart and watch those BBQ grills. Make Safety your #1 Priority. Its dangerous out there.

Persistent Dryness+Hot Temps+Low Relative Humidity+Moderate Winds=Wildfires

The following is a breakdown for last week vs this weeks drought conditions And also the latest Drought Map issued from CPC (Thursday). This information is Current until CPC releases their latest weekly analysis later this week on Thursday Morning.

100% 100% UNCHANGED
99.59% 99.40% +0.19%
87.23% 87.04% +0.19%
57.75% 53.61% 4.14%
18.67% 0.49% +18.18%

Rainfall Deficit Around the State
Location Year to Date Precipitation (through July 29) Departure from Average Precip since June 1 Departure from Average
Indianapolis 15.98 -  9.97 0.92 -7.63
Evansville 13.86 -13.86 2.48 -5.00
Lafayette 12.47** -  9.40 1.72 -6.13
Muncie 15.82 -  8.54 3.58 -5.21
Terre Haute 12.98** -14.45 0.68 -8.31
Bloomington 13.41** -16.07 1.66 -7.93
Shelbyville 13.76 -12.86 0.71 -8.13
Ft. Wayne 15.15 -7.78 4.80 -3.13
South Bend 18.90 -  2.35 7.60 +0.07
Indy - Eagle Creek 13.76 -11.52 0.62 -7.85
**Precipitation not available on some days since January 1.

What's Ahead
I don't know how many follow my tweets but I mentioned on twitter last week that it appears we could be going into an active weather pattern. We've already picked up 0.15" of rain last week. The Eastern Half of the U.S. has had over 650 storm reports and Elmira, New York confirmed their states first tornado for the year. More gusty storms are expected this week which will hit the East Coast again Tomorrow and Wednesday. For us here at home,we have isolated chances for storms as well, unlikely today, but a better shot tomorrow as a cold front slides by. Some of these storms could be severe if they fire up. I told you guysin a blog last week that if all the ingredients do not come together then the atmosphere wil not be conducive to support the threat for these storms.
It seems like thats been the case in Central and Southern Indiana. You can see the diffference between Southern Indiana and Northern Indiana. Up North, South Bend has picked up 6.06" this month. Down South, Bloomington has picked up 1.46". For us in Indianapolis, only 0.83". With beneficial rain only hitting Northern portions of the State, this is starting to put them ahead in the positive in areas like South Bend, Ft. Wayne, and the NWS office for Northern Indiana. If this trend continues, the Northern Half will drop any burn bans or water restrictions that may be in place. In fact 15 counties have lifted their burn bans this month and more could follow.
The weather pattern is changing and I think we've now seen the heart of the summer heat. As the dog days of summer begin to come to a close in the coming days, I don't see too many more chances to hit triple digits. We'll still stay above average next month but temps will primarily fall to the upper 80s and low 90s with only a minimal amount of days in the mid to upper 90s. This is my forecast for atleast the first half of the month. This comes with more chances for rain in our area. I'll say this again, the increased chance will be there, its whether they can get going that will determine if we can start to get some relief. The good news though, the average monthly precipitation for August-September-October is 3 out of the top 5 least wettest months of the year. During these months the monthly average rainfall amount is around 3.13".

10 Day Detailed Outlook

Today-Sunny & Hot. High 94.
Sunrise-6:42AM | Sunset-8:59PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 17 MIN 6 SECS | Daylight Lost-1 MIN 54 SECS
Monday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 72.

Tuesday-More Clouds than Sun. Chance of T'Storms. High 96.
Sunrise-6:43AM | Sunset-8:58PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 15 MIN 9 SECS | Daylight Lost-1 MIN 56 SECS
Tuesday PM-Partly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. Low 70.

Wednesday-Sunny. Not as Hot. High 92.
Sunrise-6:44AM | Sunset-8:57PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 13 MIN 11 SECS | Daylight Lost-1 MIN 58 SECS
Wednesday PM-Mostly Clear. Low 73.

Thursday-Sunny & Hot. High 96.
Sunrise-6:45AM | Sunset-8:56PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 11 MIN 11 SECS | Daylight Lost-1 MIN 59 SECS
Thursday PM-Partly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storm. Low 73.

Friday-Mostly Cloudy. Showers/T'Storms. High 89.
Sunrise-6:46AM | Sunset-8:55PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 9 MIN 10 SECS | Daylight Lost-2 MIN 1 SECS
Friday PM-Partly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storm. Low 73.

Saturday-Mostly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. High 88.
Sunrise-6:47AM | Sunset-8:54PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 7 MIN 7 SECS | Daylight Lost-2 MIN 3 SECS
Saturday PM-Prtly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storm. Low 70.

Sunday-Partly Cloudy. Chance of T'Storms. High 85.
Sunrise-6:48AM | Sunset-8:53PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 5 MIN 2 SECS | Daylight Lost-2 MIN 4 SECS
Sunday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 67.

Monday-Sunny & Pleasant. High 89.
Sunrise-6:49AM | Sunset-8:53PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 2 MIN 56 SECS | Daylight Lost-2 MIN 6 SECS
Monday PM-Mostly Clear. Low 69.

Tuesday-Sunny & Warmer. High 93.
Sunrise-6:50AM | Sunset-8:50PM | Duration of Day-14 HR 49 SECS | Daylight Lost-2 MIN 7 SECS
Tuesday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 72.

Wednesday-Mostly Sunny. Some Clouds. High 96.
Sunrise-6:51AM | Sunset-8:49PM | Duration of Day-13 HR 58 MIN 40 SECS | Daylight Lost-2 MIN 9 SECS
Wednesday PM-Partly Cloudy. Low 73.

July 2012 Temperature Data(July 1st-29th)
Actual Avg High---95.8°. This is 10.8° above the normal 85°.
Actutal Avg Low---72.4°. This is 6.4° above the normal 66°.
Actual Avg Temp--84.1°. This is 8.1° above the normal 76°.

July 2012 Precipitation Data**
Precip Since July 1-----0.83". This is -3.47" from normal.
Precip Since June 1----0.92". This is -7.63" from normal.
Precip Since May 1----3.62". This is -9.98" from normal.
Precip Since Jan 1---15.98". This is -9.97" from normal.
**-The information in this section is current as of 11:59PM on July 29th.

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