Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Heat & Humidity to Rise

Welcome To August Guys! We start the new month with a morning low temperature of 65° after a daytime high temperature of 91°. Today we had the heat without the humidity so it didn't feel as terrible as the past previous days. The lower the dew point temp, the lower the humidity. The Dew Point temps were under 60° with a humidity between 30%-35% so this was a dry heat today.
Tonight, it will be just a touch warmer than this morning but it should still feel semi-comfortable with temps in the upper 60s-low 70s and low-to-mid 60s in areas away from the city. We'll shift back to a southerly air flow which will bump the temperatures back up in the upper 90s Thursday. The humidity will also rise as well so it will bring about a little stickiness in the atmosphere which will not be comfortable for those engaged in any kind of outdoor activities. The humidity will likely stick around to the end of the week into the weekend. This can also help add to the increased chance for some isolated thunderstorms for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If the conditions are right, we may have some severe storms on Saturday. I'll continue to monitor for further developments.

July 2012
Well the month of July came to a close yesterday and since 1871 (when weather record keeping began) it was recorded as not only the hottest July but the hottest month on record. Here's the highlights:
  • Hottest Month on Record-The Avg Temp for the month of July was 84°. This was hotter than July 1936 when the avg temperature was 82.8°.
  • Hottest Days-105° recorded back to back on July 5th & 6th. This was 1° shy from tying the all time highest temperature of 106°.
  • We had 7 days with high temperatures in the 100s, 21 days in the 90s and 3 days in the 80s.
  • We set 4 record high temperatures and tied 2.
  • Record Set for Most Days in the Month of July with High Temperatures 90° & Above--28 Days. Previous Record-25 Days set July 1901.
  • Record Set for Most Day in the Month of July with High Temperatures 95° & Above--19 days. Previous Record-16 days July 1936.
  • Record Set for Most Consecutive Days with Lows 70° & Above-22 Days (June 28-July 19). Previous Record- 20 Days set June 26-July 15, 1921.
  • Record Set for Longest Stretch of Dry Weather-For the Period of June 1-July 17th (47 Days) the NWS recorded 0.09" at Indy Airport. Previous Record-0.09" for the period of August 16-September 26, 1908 (45 days).
  • Warmest Low Temperature of 81° recorded July 7th. This is the warmest low temperature of the 21st century and warmest low since August 22, 1936.
  • Coolest Daytime High Temperature-On July 20th the high temperature reach 82°. This was the coolest day of the month and one of 3 days below 90° for the month. The other 2 was 89° (July 14th) and 86° (July 28th)
  • Coolest Low Temperature-There were 2 days when the thermometer dipped to the low 60s. The first was 61° on the 21st and the other was 62° on the 29th.
  • The Avg Low Temperature finished at 72.3°. This was 6.3° above the normal avg low temperature of 66°.
  • There were 3 days in the month when measurable rain fell and 6 days when only trace amounts were recorded.
  • The total amount of precipitation was 0.83". The Normal is 4.55". The month ended 3.72" below normal.
NWS Indianapolis, Indiana has a more detailed summary of July and a look at more records that could fall this month. For more information click HERE.
Indianapolis has only recorded 0.92" of rainfall since June 1st and 3.62" since May 1st. Measurable Rainfall has only fallen on 12 out of the past 92 days. Here's the updated Rainfall Deficit Chart. View a previous blog for a list of days measurable rainfall has fallen since May 1st.

Rainfall Deficit Around the State
Location Year to Date Precipitation (through July 29) Departure from Average Precip since June 1 Departure from Average
Indianapolis 15.98 -  10.33 0.92 -7.99
Evansville 13.87 -14.17 2.49 -5.31
Lafayette 12.47** -  9.74 1.72 -6.47
Muncie 15.82 -  8.91 3.58 -5.58
Terre Haute 13.12** -14.68 0.82 -8.54
Bloomington 13.41** -16.38 1.66 -8.24
Shelbyville 13.76 -13.24 0.71 -8.51
Ft. Wayne 15.35 -7.98 5.00 -3.53
South Bend 19.32 -  2.32 8.02 +0.10
Indy - Eagle Creek 13.77 -11.77 0.63 -8.10
**Precipitation not available on some days since January 1.

CPC will release its weekly drought analysis tomorrow. Some rain relief up North have prompted many Northern Counties to lift their burn bans. I would imagine the latest image will depict the improvement in these areas. Most of the Central and Southern Counties will only worsen with only minimal rainfall recorded over the past week in these areas. Here's another look at the Indiana Drought Map:

Aug 1st:   Avg High-84° Avg Low 65° Avg Temp-74.5°
Aug 31st: Avg High-83° Avg Low-62° Avg Temp-72.5°
Average August Precipitation-3.13"
Sunrise Gets Later From 6:44AM on August 1st to 7:12AM on August 31st
Sunset Gets Earlier From 8:57PM on August 1st to 8:17PM on August 31st
During the month of August a total of 1 hr 10 mins 29 secs of daylight will be lost as the days continue to get shorter.

Full Moon
We will have what's called a "Sturgeon Moon" or "Grain Moon" Tonight, in full at 11:27PM but you'll probably be able to see it at anytime of the night for your skygazers.

Also, unlike any other month of the year, we will have another full moon (in one month) on August 31st. This is a Blue Moon (without the blue color). For more information click HERE!

There is another pattern change coming. This could very well bring some decent chances for rain this upcoming weekend. The potential for an outbreak of severe weather across the Northern Plains is possible. The track of this system will be dependent on what the weather holds for the weekend in Indiana. If comes south in the State this we'll bring severe weather here. We could get a good soaker along with weather related damages. See how this goes but some computer models are onboard for heavy rain. I will note though we are in an extreme drought so models could be overdoing it. For the past few months rain has been VERY SELECTIVE. i will continue to monitor and update again soon. Follow me on twitter @A_JayLuck or you can follow my twitter feed on the right hand side of this page. The latest weather outlooks for the month is below. Also, looking far far ahead like mid month, there could be a pocket of cooler air moving in. This could bring cooler temps and maybe even some much needed rain. This will become more clear in the upcoming days. Have A Good Night!

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